Kalmar and Tracsa: leaders in terminal tractors
Kalmar’s dealer in Mexico Tracsa focuses on close client relations, large geographical coverage and efficient, first-rate service.
An extensive presence in Mexico, a large and well-trained workforce and a rapid response capacity are the three main pillars of Kalmar and Tracsa leadership in terminal tractors in the Mexican region. Together they hold a predominant market share in the entire country with some 150 units sold so far year.
This is how Miguel Quiroga, Kalmar Sales Executive for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, characterises Kalmar’s relationship with its partner. ”Tracsa’s clear strength is its people. They are a dealer that holds an excellent reputation with an outstanding track record, and their customers really appreciate that,” he says.
Tracsa and Sitsa Logistics, part of the Trasca group, are the biggest dealers in LATAM covering the entire Mexico area. Quiroga emphasises that both companies put a premium on quality customer service. ”That is what we need from our side and they fully accomplish this goal.”
"They are a dealer that holds an excellent reputation with an outstanding track record, and their customers really appreciate that.”
Quiroga’s area also includes El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas, and Tracsa and Sitsa make sure their sales force receives continuous training and can showcase the attributes of Kalmar machinery.
Kalmar’s main reason for choosing Trasca was a search for synergy with a partner who shares Kalmar’s high standards of professionalism and priority on customer support and service. “Tracsa has all these strengths and has held firm to these priorities with consistent excellent work,” says Quiroga. He also likes to stress that Kalmar terminal tractors have been extremely well received in this market. ”This is due to our experience in manufacture, the high quality of the equipment we provide, and, without a doubt, the support we offer through our Kalmar distributor around the country,” Quiroga says.
In addition to this, Tracsa has inventory and storage capacity to quickly respond to any situation.” The expertise of its workers and experience in both commercial and technical areas represents an outstanding value in this industry,” Quiroga emphasises. “Our clients greatly appreciate the level of expertise offered – and the positive manner in which it is offered.”
For him, one of the greatest assets of Tracsa and Sitsa is their professionalism. ”We work very closely with them, and we fully trust their everyday work,” Mexico is definitely Kalmar terminal tractor territory.
Strong infrastructure makes a difference
On the other hand, from a dealer’s point of view, Juan Ángel Ramírez, Kalmar Line Manager at Sitsa, says what distinguishes Tracsa and Sitsa from other dealers is their infrastructure, and technical and support areas. ”That is why we feel more connected to our customers,” he explains. This support is given to all Trasca and Sitsa customers including Manzanillo, Lázaro Cárdenas, Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey and Veracruz, and many others.
Ricardo Muñoz, Sales Executive at Sitsa, insists on this aspect. ”What if the client wants a tailor made solution in Tijuana? Well, our after-sales service has them covered. Or, in the south in Chiapas for instance? It’s the same. We offer our support services there as well.”
”Kalmar machines are their best advertisement."
Muñoz details that both Tracsa and Sitsa work only with the best brands in the market, whatever the sector -- ports, logistics, agriculture. That is the primary reason they agreed to collaborate with Kalmar. ”Kalmar machines are their best advertisement. The quality of their machines and our skills fit perfectly for fulfilling customers’ expectations,” Ramírez says.
The word gets around
Luis Gerardo Meza, Sales Executive for Tracsa, underscores that these features turn the machines’ users into brand ambassadors. ”There was a client who recommended one of our machines to a neighbour in the same area. This neighbour bought a Kalmar reachstacker and was delighted with the handling options and how fast it could operate,” he says.
Like his colleagues, Meza agrees, pointing out that the customer feels close to the factory because of visits by Kalmar whose representatives listen to their needs. “This makes the client feel supported, not only for Tracsa and Sitsa, but for the factory we work with.” To Meza, this is a principal reason forKalmar's success.
In fact, along with the machine mentioned in Mexico, there are already more than 10,000 Kalmar reachstackers operating in over 160 countries around the world.
Close working relationship between Kalmar and Tracsa-Sitsa
The key to managing a country as big as Mexico is communication. ”We speak constantly, we support each other, and we try to solve every situation as the great team we are. We can see the results in all the work done during the last years,” says Ramírez.
‘The opportunities for discussion and the follow-up keep us in touch on a regular basis, and the communication works both ways,” adds Meza. Kalmar complements these contacts with yearly training. ”This allows us to advance with projects and better meet clients’ needs,” adds Muñoz. ”We did not stop communications with our customers or with Kalmar all during the pandemic. We kept in contact by videoconferencing and discussed guarantees and solutions needed to meet our clients’ needs in any circumstances.”
Plans for the short and long term
Muñoz sees new challenges on the horizon to strengthen and shape the industry. ”We all work hand in hand, and we also have very good relationships with customers.” Meza points out that Kalmar is expanding as a brand into areas where it was not present earlier.
Ramírez also expresses his enthusiasm about this partnership. ”We feel supported and grateful. We keep the work going by staying very close to our clients to help them to reach their targets. As the person representing Kalmar, I hope our relationship will continue for many more years to come.”
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